Technology tips for the Apple centric.

Typing Contractions on iPhone

When trying to type fast on iPhone, autocorrect can be your friend. Autocorrect can be annoying when it changes words that you want to ones that you don’t, but with this quick tip you can make autocorrect work for you.

When typing contractions on iOS, you can add a double letter at the end of the word, and the autocorrect engine will type the appropriate apostrophe for you. For example, if you want to type don’t, type dontt. When you hit enter it will autocorrect to don’t, saving you time from changing keyboards to find the apostrophe. I am finding that it even works on macOS. As I type cantt with this new method, macOS displays the possible autocorrect in a small popup, when I hit the space bar it autocorrects to the correct can’t.

This tip works for all of the contractions that I can think of, including: can’t, don’t, won’t, didn’t, isn’t, etc…

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