Technology tips for the Apple centric.

Mail Tasks to Things

My favorite to do list app is Things. I like how easy it is to add things to the inbox. On the Mac, the Quick Entry window is awesome, but on iOS there isn’t a Quick Entry window unless you are already in the app. This is when you can use the Mail To Things service. In Settings, you can setup a Mail To Things email address.

You can then put that email address as a new contact in your address book. It is then easy to send anything via email into your inbox. The subject of the email becomes the title of the task, and the body of the email is added to the notes field.

  • Send to-dos to Things from other platforms, such as Windows or Android.
  • Forward an email to Things from your iPhone; Things will link back to the email so you can find it again later.
  • Give your address to a trusted partner or colleague so they can delegate to-dos to you.
  • Create powerful workflows with other apps or online services, such as IFTTT.