Technology tips for the Apple centric.

Hover Mouse for Mac App Store Install Progress

If you are an Apple Developer, then you know the pain associated with downloading a 12GB Xcode installer. Apple wants us to use the Mac App Store to install Xcode, which can be flaky at times.1 The Mac App Store page indicates if you are downloading a file with a circular progress indicator, however, once the app starts installing, the circular indicator becomes less useful. Xcode takes a long time to install, and I have often thought that it was stalled.

Screenshot from Mac App Store

I recently learned that if you hover your mouse over the circular progress indicator, once the app starts installing, it will show more detail about what percentage is complete. This is a welcome new feature that more users should know about. Have faith, that Xcode install will finish if you let it.

  1. Downloading from the Apple Developer Website has been more reliable in my experience. However, if I am not downloading an Xcode beta, the current release version of Xcode is not always available on the developer website. I have been forced to install from the Mac App Store in this case.